
Atkins ME
Atkins is a Sustainable Keto Diet

Atkins is a Sustainable Keto Diet

Keto keeps coming up in conversation. It seems like everyone is “trying” keto these days, with the goal of burning fat and losing weight. The key word is “trying”. A hardcore ketogenic diet means that just 5 to 10 percent of your total daily macronutrient intake comes from carbohydrates, 15 to 20 percent comes from protein and 60 to 75 percent comes from fat. In order to maintain a hardcore keto diet, you have to stay in ketosis, which means you must follow this diet perfectly; even the tiniest cheat can throw you out of ketosis. Don’t get me wrong....

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Atkins ME

Keto Friendly Candy

If you have a hankering for a sweet treat but you’re following the Atkins 20, Atkins 40 or new Atkins 100 diet, never fear. You can stick to your low carb lifestyle and still enjoy the occasional dessert thanks to Atkins wide range of keto candy options. As a caveat, it’s important to remember that sweets should never replace whole food options such as veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Read on for Atkins' top picks for keto candy and low carb chocolate. Chocolate Squares Atkins recently introduced a new blend of chocolate squares. These decadent squares make a perfectly portioned on-the-go low carb candy. Atkins Milk Chocolate...

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Atkins ME

Easy keto Snacks

One of the best things about living a ketogenic lifestyle like Atkins20® or Atkins40®* is that having an afternoon snack is okay! Snacks throughout the day are encouraged as a way to fight off fatigue, jitters, inability to concentrate, cravings for carb-heavy foods, or overeating at future meals. However, it is important to focus on which type of snack you are consuming. The best keto diet snacks are made up of good fats, protein, and fiber for appetite control. We’re here to help you get through the day and meet your low carb goals with a list of easy-to-make keto friendly snacks:...

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Atkins ME
Low Carb Keto Vegetables

Low Carb Keto Vegetables

Eating keto friendly vegetables is considered a foundation of Atkins. In addition to protein and healthy natural fats, it is essential to consume certain veggies when living a low carb lifestyle; but eating too many veggies, especially starchy ones such as peas and potatoes, can undermine weight-loss and low carb efforts. During the Atkins® induction phase, you’ll want to consume 12g to 15g net carbs from vegetables each day. Primarily, we recommend that you focus on eating leafy salad greens and other non-starchy vegetables. These vegetables provide the body with the most antioxidant protection and fiber in combination with the fewest...

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